What's It About: Sabino lives a life typical for an Italian teenager—except that his world is dominated by Saints, modern superheroes who have fought off the Luciferals, demons who threatened to bring about the end of the world. When Sabino accidentally inherits a holy relic, the Church declares him a heretic; he’s rescued from certain death only through the help of the Martyrs, holy warriors who have inherited the powers, but not personalities, of the Saints. Now Sabino and the Martyrs are on the run, trying to stop another possible Apocalypse and tear down the corruption from within the church’s own ranks. Blending science fiction, Christian tradition, and super powered individuals, this novel, originally published in Italian, explores the depths some leaders will tread in the name of saving the world.
This work has been translated with the contribution of the Center for the book and reading of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Creator: Gilbert Gallo, Translated by Giulia De Gaspardi
Category: Novel
Age Range: Adult
Vibes: Fantasy, Religious Fantasy, Magical Realism, superpowers
What's It About: Sabino lives a life typical for an Italian teenager—except that his world is dominated by Saints, modern superheroes who have fought off the Luciferals, demons who threatened to bring about the end of the world. When Sabino accidentally inherits a holy relic, the Church declares him a heretic; he’s rescued from certain death only through the help of the Martyrs, holy warriors who have inherited the powers, but not personalities, of the Saints. Now Sabino and the Martyrs are on the run, trying to stop another possible Apocalypse and tear down the corruption from within the church’s own ranks. Blending science fiction, Christian tradition, and super powered individuals, this novel, originally published in Italian, explores the depths some leaders will tread in the name of saving the world.
This work has been translated with the contribution of the Center for the book and reading of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Gilbert Gallo is a creator of vast, enticing fantasy worlds enjoyed by avid players of video games and book readers. Master in turning producers' vision into a perfectly working game that grants entertaining experiences to the players.

Sancta Sanctorum