Creator: C.S.E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez
Category: Roleplaying Card Game
Age Range: 13+
Vibes: Science Fiction-Fantasy, Spanish Inquisition, Magic, Aliens
What's It About: The nation of Espada was on the verge of an inquisition—until one day, the aliens showed up. Not understanding their nature, la Reina Resoluta, Queen of Espada, offered to make them a deal. Would they exchange some of their phenomenal cosmic powers for the souls of some of her trusted associates? Working within the worldview of the Espadans, the aliens said, “Sure.”
In this card-based role playing game, you and your fellow players collaborate to design your Espada, your characters, and the issues you want to resolve for the queen. (Whether you choose to resolve them as she wants you to is entirely up to your wizards!) Unlike most role playing games, Negocios Infernales does have a way to win…and to lose. But don’t worry, losing is almost as fun as winning. All the players must accomplish three tasks—serve as the protagonist of a scene, play an NPC, and successfully use their magic to resolve a determined task—before they run out of chances on the Sword of Doom. If you get too close to failure, you can choose to enact your own Doom, a fate worse than death, with unpredictable, madcap results!
The entire game is driven by the answers given by the Deck of Destiny—70 cards in seven suits that players interpret to determine what happens next, and how they will succeed or fail at their tasks. With gorgeous art by Bek Huston, this debut role playing game from celebrated and award-winning novelists Carlos Hernandez and C.S.E. Cooney is a creative, collaborative, and frequently hilarious roleplaying game.
C.S.E. Cooney - Author/Game Designer
Claire Suzanne Elizabeth Cooney is an American writer of fantasy literature. She is best known for her fantasy poetry and short stories and has won the Rhysling Award for her poem "The Sea King's Second Bride" in 2011 and the World Fantasy Award—Collection for her collection Bone Swans in 2016.
Carlos Hernandez - Author/Game Designer
Carlos Alberto Pablo Hernandez (born January 14, 1971) is an American writer of science fiction and fantasy. He is best known for the young adult novels Sal and Gabi Break the Universe, which won the 2020 Pura Belpré Award, and its sequel, Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe.