Batten down the hatches! Raise the mainsail! Pour the rum! The good ship Outland Entertainment's next voyage into the short fiction anthology seas launches on Kickstarter today!
Edited by Scott Colby and Alana Joli Abbott, Rising Tides: A Pirate Anthology features nineteen stories from a diverse crew of super talented storytellers. These dashing swashbucklers don't sail simply for glory and treasure; they're out to save the day and make the world around them a better place!
Check out this roster:

Reynard the Reaver• Jason Fischer
Blood for Blood • Emmeryn Palladino
Here Be Death Rays • Sarah Thérèse Pelletier and Scott Taylor
The Devil’s Hoof Upon the Tile • Neil Sharpson
As Gentlemen Do • Jaymie Wagner
Once a Pirate • Scott Colby
The Dead Who Speak • Chris Roberson
Magic Leaves a Mark • b.e. stack
The Thing in the Sword • Anton Kromoff
Anne and the Queen of the Pirates • Anjali Patel
Divine Plunder • Georgia Kamsika
Voyage of the Enbarr • Jason Franks
The Monster and Its Kin • Anya Ow
How a Princess Becomes a Pirate • Allison Pang
The Trial of the Black Rose • Alexandra Pitchford
Romero’s Doldrums • Sabrina Vourvoulias
Lady Misfortune • Kate Heartfield
Raiders of the Middle Passage • Glen Parris
Hecatonchires • Joseph Elliott-Coleman
Several existing Outland properties are featured within these pages, including Black Yonnix, The Outer Seas, Ladyhoppers (kinda), and Fox & Willow.
Rewards include print and digital versions of the anthology, as well as bundles with other Outland projects!