Need something to read while hiding from your weird relatives after Thanksgiving dinner? The next adventure in the Autumn-Tide roleplaying setting is available in Outland's store!
Hellinore’s inn, the Soot & Cinder, serves as a refuge in the Autumn-Tide Forest, yet nearby lurk the Blue Blades—ordinary people turned assassins under a hidden master’s influence. These sleeper agents, armed with blue daggers and controlled by a malicious intellect, threaten the harmony of peaceful communities, spreading fear and discord. With attacks striking at random, no one is safe from the master’s chaos-driven agenda.
Set in a world in which things have stopped changing and growing, Autumn-Tide is a 5e-compatible setting gamers can integrate into their home games or use as the basis for homebrew sessions. Each volume in the series is written by Anton Kromoff, Outland's ace RPG designer. And the super portable zine format is just freakin' cool.
The Soot & Cinder is a story seed that is perfect for kicking off a single session or planing plot points for an ever growing campaign at your TTRPG table. You can check out the other offerings in the Autumn-Tide setting at this link.